Sylvain Deschênes
Bâton Tai Chi
The Tai Chi Club teaches the basic Yang style (the lineage of Grand Master Tung Ying Chieh/Kit) Tai Chi Chuan, sword, broad sword, stick and fast Tai Chi. The Club offers private and group classes.
The Yang style was founded by Yang Lu Chan and revised by Yang Chen Fu. The form is composed of 108 moves. The movements are relaxed, even and graceful.
These photographs of Tung Ying Chieh were taken from the Dong family Taijiquan book, commonly known as the “Red Book”. Written by Tung Ying Chieh, it explains the principles and practice of Dong family Taijiquan, and includes these photos of the slow set, with commentary, plus a series of his son, Tung Fu Ling, performing the Dong family set. The Red Book is available in Chinese, and translated into English by Alex Dong.
The figure numbers are derived from the numbering in the Red Book, the main number is on the upper right of each photograph, in Arabic, and the series number is in parenthesis above the photo, in Chinese. There are a couple places where I deviated slightly from this convention.
Romanization of Chinese words is rendered in Pinyin, as it is current system, hence, “Dong” and “Taijiquan”. Tung Ying Chieh is left in the older Wade-Giles style as more people will recognize it with this spelling.